Authentic Assessment and Remote Learning

Tales from Classroom
6 min readNov 11, 2020

By Dr. Jason Trumble & Dr. Debbie Dailey

Recently a high school English teacher asked one of us if open-note assessments in a remote learning class would be considered authentic. This led us to reconsider what authenticity in classroom assessment looks like for remote learning.

What is Assessment?

Classroom assessments, either delivered virtually or in-person, are used to measure the progress of the students and inform instruction, and evaluate the effectiveness of the instruction and inform needed changes to the content or delivery. What does authentic mean in terms of classroom assessment? James McMillian defines authentic assessments as, “the direct examination of a student’s ability to use knowledge to perform a task that is like what is encountered in real life or in the real world” (Mcmillian, 2018, p.268). Typically, authentic assessments are formative and performance-based and require students to use knowledge and skills to perform a realistic task.

What is Authentic Assessment for Remote Learners?

If you ask students the purpose of assessment, they will most likely tell you it is for a grade or to see if they have been paying attention in class. Students may view assessments as a “got-ya” or a punishment of some sort, and parents often perceive assessments as…



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